Monday 23 February 2015

Of Men and Jinns

Of Men and Jinns.

and in Taste, Synchronicity, and of the Mavingu and the Swahili lands too.

Ahmad H. Sakr

Ahmad H. Sakr.

After Note.
Many have heard, and in Africa too that is, and of the Obi, the Obata (Dominoes), the Bib. (Bible), the Koran, Katekisimu, IFA, the Missal, Bones/Witchdoctor etc., Oracles in all, and as said now to speak, and of the very attempt, and in unfolding/unfurling in all, what is said believed to speak of Normalcy and in the very least, and in speak of an Africa, often simply said perilous, chaotic and truly unstable and in its ways that is. In speak though, and of the Al-Jinn, and of Lamu too, speak now and of the very fact that, life in the Swahili lands, is never actually said Experienced, but in all even is believed truly said, simply Known that is. That there are those, who have attempted in all, and to mythologize African life, and in speak and of what is believed said and to speak of the African Experience, and as often believed said truly transformational, and in speak too now, and of the famed 'Mountains of the Moon' that is. The Swahili lands on the otherhand, do in all differ, and in speak too and of the Experience, and in Scope & Range / Experiential, or in speak too and of Limits / Experiences, in that, the Experience in itself, is believed said unknown and in the Swahili lands, and what is said known, and of life too, simply speaks and of Synchronicity in itself that is. Herein, and in speak of Synchronicity that is, does lie, the very Key in all, and to discovering the Al-Jinn, for the world of the Al-Jinn in all, should not in all again, be confused, and for that and that does speak of the 1001 Arabian Nights that is.



If one was to look into a Mirror, and then simply ask oneself, what else out there, could be said, or is said in all, to very much Mirror one that is, then in all, one could very well say or point out in all again, that it does all truly lead, and to the very search, and for the Al-Jinn that is.