Saturday 2 May 2015

The Occult

The Occult.

In speaking of the Occult, and as often mistakenly said Islamic/Arabian, and in speak too of Islamic/Arabian Mythology that is, is to now and in all even say that, in speak of Djinns, Jinns, Marids and Ifrits, it does all actually truly speak of Africa/Egypt, and not of the Middle East truly either, and who do in all even associate themselves truly, and with speak of Genies that is [Link].

In all, Jinns, are believed said Egyptian in their ways, and of Ifrits and Marids, said African in all, and with Djinns on the otherhand, and as often believed said truly Egyptian, do in all even truly capture the Imagination in all, and of the Swahili lands too that is.