Tuesday 29 September 2015

The Swahili Merchant

The Swahili Merchant.

- and with he too said, to in all even herald, over, Swahili diplomacy (hospitality), Swahili society (family), and Swahili religion (festive life) too.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Indian Television

of Indian Television.

Zing tv - Zuku Satellite TV.

Mombasa, Kenya -  Zanzibar - Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.

Monday 21 September 2015

The Zanzibar Revolution

The Zanzibar Revolution.

- a said Political Event, and that can too, be best said, and to speak, and of what some do term/call, Pre-Independence Africa that is.

Sunday 13 September 2015

the Scary Story

The Scary Story.

If one was to be asked, and of what said, Symbolic Reference in all, the Al-Jinn, or the Jinn too, are said to have, and in regards to everyday life, and on the said Swahili Coast too, it then too could be said, and to speak too and of the Adder, and in the Swahili lands too that is. That many within Africa, or in Kenya and Tanzania too, have often sought out, what one could term/call, the Swahili Experience, and as with it all even said and to speak, and of what is truly believed said, grounded in all, and in reality in itself that is. That in saying that, reality, and in speak of the Al-Jinn/Jinn, does have to do, and with speak too and of the Adder, or of the Swahili Adder truly, is to now equate it all, and to speak truly too, and of what one could term/call, the Scary Story that is.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Swahili Colours

Swahili Colours.

- Swahili Colours, and in now too, saying that, it all does speak, and of the very manner in all, most do recognize the Swahili Coast, and as said even Worldly or International too, but Colours too, and that do stem back, to the said even, origins, and of the Swahili world that is.

Wednesday 2 September 2015