Saturday 14 May 2016


of Swahili Articles.

This entry, will in all attempt, to in all even present, Swahili History, and from a said too, Comprehensive, Comparative and if not of a said too, Definitive perspective that is, and away too, and from the said even popular manner in all, and of presenting Swahili History, and that does too often refer, and to what Argument, Rhetoric, Investigation, Interrogation etcetc., are believed even said all about that is [and if not in said speak too, and of what Maandishi, are too said to be].

That it is in speak, and of Swahili History, and from a said even Comprehensive perspective, and whereby, we do in all even, hear, talk, and of a said Sultanate, and in both Dar-es-salaam, and if not in Zanzibar too, of Ki-Swahili, of Africa, but in saying that Swahili History, does merge with that said too Omani, of Swahili religion, and from such said regard too, in speak of the Sultanate, Swahili, Omani, is to now though, of Swahili, associate, speak and of said Swahili History in itself too that is, and with speak too and of the said Swahili city-states, and if not of the said Swahili, and as said even defining themselves, and as said too, a Mercantile Society in all that is.

That in speak now, and of Swahili History, and as said too Comparative in its ways, is to now too, say it all, and to refer, and to Modern Swahili History, and which does too speak, and of the said Zanzibar Revolution for instance, and if not in said speak now and of Southern Africa, and as said even today, more or less truly defining, and of just whom or who in all, the Swahili people, are said to be, and away from speak and of both Kenya and Tanzania, and in now associating, speak of Mozambique, and with Swahili Identity in itself, but in speak now and of said relative views, or relative points-of-view, and in said regard, and to speak and of Swahili Identity today, and if not of Swahili History in itself too, speak now, and of what is believed said, to speak of White African Identity, and in Africa today too, best too said now Zimbabwean, while that said African, can too be said Zambian, and if not Malawian too that is.

It is in speak though, and of Swahili History, and as said even Definitive and in its said manners too, and whereby, we do in all even hear, talk, and of both, the Swahili Coast, and of the Swahili lands too, and in said speak too now, and of the very attempt here, to in all even deal, and with what to can be said to speak, and of what too Social Turmoil in itself is said to be, and in said regard here, and to speak too, and of the said practising of Islam, and on the Swahili Coast too for instance. That it all does refer, and to speak, and of the very view that, the Swahili world, can too be said, to today, very much struggle, and with defining itself, and in speak and of an Authority, and that is said even truly Swahili that is, but in speak now, and of the attempt here, to in all even help, define the Swahili, and as said even a unique or distinct people to themselves, and away too and from speak of the Sultanate of Oman, and if not of the Middle East in itself too, is to now, consolidate, speak and of Swahili Identity, and with speak too of Mogadishu and in Somalia too, and in now claiming that, Swahili Authority, can too be said acquainted, and with talk of what the 'Article' in itself, is said even all about, and in said speak too now, and of a said Newspaper Article, Law Article, a Clothing Article etc., for instance, and if not in further speak now, and of it all said even, Swahili Authority that is, to in all even speak, and of what is said to refer, and to speak and of Articulation in itself too that is.

In many a way, the very belief here that, Swahili Authority, and when said well defined, is believed even, of said too immense benefit and if not importance too that is, and in said regard, and to speak and of the very regions of the Horn of Africa, and if not of East Africa too, and in the said attempt here, to in all even help stabilize these very said regions, and if not in said speak too now, and of what too, is believed best said to refer, and to speak too and of rapid Development in itself for instance.