Sunday 29 November 2015

The Cool Factor

The Cool Factor.

When it does come, and to speak of Mathematics, and of Africa, it can be said, that no other branch of Mathematics, probably does matter to most, innocuously too, and than that said, to speak, and of Factorization that is. That it all now, does ask of one, to view life, primarily, and from speak and of Factors, and not in speak of Time, Timers, or Timing in itself either that is.

In having said the above, the very belief that, life, and as viewed as such, from speak and of Factors, and of Mathematics in itself too, now can be said descriptive truly, and of life and as lived today, it all now does associate, life in itself, and in Egypt too, and as said to speak of, and of what one could term/call a Matrix, that in Africa, and with speak of Code(s) [and if not of Scrolling in itself too], while that on the Swahili Coast, now too, can be said associated, and with speak too and of Virtuality in itself that is.

In having said the above though, now is to speak, and of what, the Cool Factor, is said to be all about. That it all, now does too speak and on, the very said fact that, life, and in these said Technology driven Times we do live in, does in all even bring with it, the very said question, and of preciseness, technicality, and if not of mathematics in itself too, their said impact too, directly, and into our lives that is. That the Cool Factor, now does refer, and to just whom in all, any of us, are with God, and in now too saying that, previous Times, and on Earth, and in regard to all this, could be said truly too, defined, and by speak, and of what Narcissism in itself, is said to be.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

The Swahili Merchant

The Swahili Merchant.

- and with he too said, to in all even herald, over, Swahili diplomacy (hospitality), Swahili society (family), and Swahili religion (festive life) too.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Indian Television

of Indian Television.

Zing tv - Zuku Satellite TV.

Mombasa, Kenya -  Zanzibar - Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.

Monday 21 September 2015

The Zanzibar Revolution

The Zanzibar Revolution.

- a said Political Event, and that can too, be best said, and to speak, and of what some do term/call, Pre-Independence Africa that is.

Sunday 13 September 2015

the Scary Story

The Scary Story.

If one was to be asked, and of what said, Symbolic Reference in all, the Al-Jinn, or the Jinn too, are said to have, and in regards to everyday life, and on the said Swahili Coast too, it then too could be said, and to speak too and of the Adder, and in the Swahili lands too that is. That many within Africa, or in Kenya and Tanzania too, have often sought out, what one could term/call, the Swahili Experience, and as with it all even said and to speak, and of what is truly believed said, grounded in all, and in reality in itself that is. That in saying that, reality, and in speak of the Al-Jinn/Jinn, does have to do, and with speak too and of the Adder, or of the Swahili Adder truly, is to now equate it all, and to speak truly too, and of what one could term/call, the Scary Story that is.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Swahili Colours

Swahili Colours.

- Swahili Colours, and in now too, saying that, it all does speak, and of the very manner in all, most do recognize the Swahili Coast, and as said even Worldly or International too, but Colours too, and that do stem back, to the said even, origins, and of the Swahili world that is.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sunday 12 July 2015



When we do in all speak of Allusions, we are in all even referring here, and to the very manner in all, we do deal and with speak of Doubt in itself, and in our very lives too. That in helping make all this too clearer, speak now too, and of life, or of the World too, and as said not viewed in all, or perceived too, and from speak of Problems or of the Situation, but in all again, from speak now truly and of the Problematic, and if not of the Troublesome too that is.

In all, what we are in all trying to get at here, does have to do, and with the very manner in all, we do in all even perceive our said selves too, and as said even disconnected and from our said World, or Environments too, and in speak now too, and of it all even said defining us in all, and in speak too of Intimacy that is. 

That in now attempting to explain all this furtherly, is to now speak of Egypt, and in now too saying that, what does in all even pass for, Pensiveness and in saying the very least, or Pensive Thought too, and in regards and to speak of our very selves, our environs and if not of God too, and in Egypt, did/does in all even refer or speak too of, and of the Asking that is. This all is said too because, most do not truly realize that, Pensiveness, and in Africa, does in all even truly actually speak, and of the said Invite that is [hopefully, this is understood and in a certain said context that is, and which does in all even say that, Africa's said problems, are in all even truly solved, and by that, which can be said too, and to simply speak of the invite, or simply said to speak of that said inviting that is]. In saying that, Pensiveness, and outside Africa in all, is not what it appears to be, is to not associate it all and with speak of task, or speak too of moderation, but in all even, the very belief that, it is all said truly grounded in all, and in speak now and of Sociability that is.

In all, what we are trying to say here, and in the name of Pensiveness, and if not Synchronicity too, is that, the Swahili lands in all, it can too best be said here, do in all even continue to be of interest to most, and in speak too of lifestyles, and as a life lived on the Swahili coast/lands, and in speak of it all said even having or possessing a said even full awareness to it all, does now speak truly of Allusions in themselves, and in speak too now of said Swahili Time too, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of the Swahili term/word of Wakati that is.

Friday 10 July 2015



For many, a said understanding and of just what, to simply in all, ground, speak of life in itself, and in said too Meaning/Purpose, and if not Significance/Importance too, it all does often truly remain, a problem, to in all even truly ponder that is. That life on Earth, is often simply said associated, and with our said even definitions of Blood, Family, Ritual, Ceremony, Time, Routine etc.

In saying that, for the Greeks, life on Earth, did in all even speak and of our said too here, perceptions, and of Exchange for instance, is to now too, associate Greek life, and with speak too of it all discerned that is, and via the referencing in all, and of said Energy/Energies, and with it all too, often said to take spirit forms that is. Something not too difficult to explain, for in speak of Egyptian Civilization as such, speak now, and of what Payment, is said to be, while for the Greeks, speak too now, and of what they do term Coinage that is. The World we do live in today though, is very much said Italian, and in speak of Transaction that is, while in speak of Africa and as said defined as such, it all does speak too of Monetization that is. In speak though and of the Swahili lands in all, and as said too African, speak too now truly, and of Monetism that is.

Monday 29 June 2015



The very term/word of Apotheosis, might not be said comparable in all, and to speak of Swahili culture that is. It however, can be used, and in the said context, and that does too say, Swahili culture, or some of the Swahili people that is, are actually said African, and of African Blood too that is, and in comparison to speak too now, and of those said of Swahili Blood that is.

That in understanding all this better, perhaps, an introduction here, and to what does pass, and for the defining of the Body, Human, and as said too Political that is [and from a said here Historical sense/perspective too in all]. That for the Egyptians, Success and in life, does not only speak of Embodiment in itself, but in all truly, and of one and as said developing, a great even, Love, or Respect too, and for oneself in all, and in further speak too of Family Identity, Egyptian, and as said to refer and to speak too of Loyalty, Respect and Honour that is. Egyptian Identity though, and as said too African, is believed said grounded in all, and in speak of Constitution, while speak of African definitions of the Body, have in all even been known or said, and to refer or speak of the Constitutional that is.

In Italy, one does see, the use of Sacrament, and in regards to all this, but in speak of the Swahili, speak now again, and of Apotheosis that is.

However, in attempting to put the above, and in another said perspective, more interesting in its ways, is to now associate speak of Egyptian conceptions of the Body, and as said in the very least, grounded in all, and in speak of Cleanliness Rituals that is [and as said too and to furtherly speak of Habit too for instance]. In saying that, speak now too perhaps, and of Spain, and in regards to its conceptions of the Body, does speak now too and of what they do term Apparitions for instance, for Spain in all, now too, does conceptualize the Body, and in a said similar manner to India, and which does too now speak of Avatars that is. In speak though of Italy, speak now too, and of Anatomy, or of Anatomical Studies too that is, but in speak now and of Africa, speak now too, and of Deformity, and as said too representing or translating in all, and into speak of Wholeness, Totality, Ends, Completion, Means, Meaning etc.

In speak of the Swahili world though, and as said African too, Apotheosis now, and as said too, to simply speak and of what they do call, 'the Golden Rule' that is.

Saturday 2 May 2015

The Occult

The Occult.

In speaking of the Occult, and as often mistakenly said Islamic/Arabian, and in speak too of Islamic/Arabian Mythology that is, is to now and in all even say that, in speak of Djinns, Jinns, Marids and Ifrits, it does all actually truly speak of Africa/Egypt, and not of the Middle East truly either, and who do in all even associate themselves truly, and with speak of Genies that is [Link].

In all, Jinns, are believed said Egyptian in their ways, and of Ifrits and Marids, said African in all, and with Djinns on the otherhand, and as often believed said truly Egyptian, do in all even truly capture the Imagination in all, and of the Swahili lands too that is.

Thursday 23 April 2015



Maputo, and in Mozambique too, and as said now, the believed said in all, Center that is, and for the Swahili world today too, and as versus speak now of Mombasa, or of Dar-es-salaam too that is.

Tuesday 21 April 2015





What in all, can Mimesis be said to be, and within the said context of this Blog that is? It in all, can be said now to speak of Belief and of the Al-Jinn too in all, and in speak now and of the said here, Human Configuration/Re-Configuration that is, and as said to speak of Man, and as described and in his entirety too, and in speak only and of Emotion that is. That to be Human now, is simply said to speak too, and of life, and in dictate too that is, and in further speak now, and of one and as simply said swayed over, or influenced too, and by a smell for instance, and such that, such a said smell, can in all simply truly speak, and of the instant change and in fortune, and for one too that is.

Saturday 11 April 2015

The High Seas

The High Seas.

The High Seas, and in speak too of the Seven Seas, and as with it all even referring, and to speak too and of the very word/term of the Ancient that is.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


the Oceans/Seas.

The Octopus/Squid, and in speak too now, and of the Mavingu that is, and the Unconscious too that is.

The Ave Maria

The Ave Maria.