Sunday 29 November 2015

The Cool Factor

The Cool Factor.

When it does come, and to speak of Mathematics, and of Africa, it can be said, that no other branch of Mathematics, probably does matter to most, innocuously too, and than that said, to speak, and of Factorization that is. That it all now, does ask of one, to view life, primarily, and from speak and of Factors, and not in speak of Time, Timers, or Timing in itself either that is.

In having said the above, the very belief that, life, and as viewed as such, from speak and of Factors, and of Mathematics in itself too, now can be said descriptive truly, and of life and as lived today, it all now does associate, life in itself, and in Egypt too, and as said to speak of, and of what one could term/call a Matrix, that in Africa, and with speak of Code(s) [and if not of Scrolling in itself too], while that on the Swahili Coast, now too, can be said associated, and with speak too and of Virtuality in itself that is.

In having said the above though, now is to speak, and of what, the Cool Factor, is said to be all about. That it all, now does too speak and on, the very said fact that, life, and in these said Technology driven Times we do live in, does in all even bring with it, the very said question, and of preciseness, technicality, and if not of mathematics in itself too, their said impact too, directly, and into our lives that is. That the Cool Factor, now does refer, and to just whom in all, any of us, are with God, and in now too saying that, previous Times, and on Earth, and in regard to all this, could be said truly too, defined, and by speak, and of what Narcissism in itself, is said to be.