Saturday 14 March 2015

Canis Africanis

Canis Africanis.

or speak too of the Swahili Dog.



In saying that, Egypt in all, does have to it, a History, and that does speak too of Psychological Complexes, and of Africa, speak now and of Psychological Disorders, and of Europe, speak now too and of Syndromes, and in speak now and of most of the World, speak too and of Psychological/Cultural Barriers/Blocks in all, when it does come to the Mavingu, speak in all even, and of Psychological Disabilities, and that do speak too, and of Diseases, and such as Tetanus for instance.

Friday 13 March 2015

The Secret Teachings

The Secret Teachings,

What in all, can many today, truly in all ascribe Longetivity too? For many, it does in all even speak of the Institutional and in itself that is [and in speak too of the concept of Defence in itself too that is]. Historically though, this has not always been as such, and as many in all have, ascribed it can be said here, Longetivity, and to many another thing that is. For the Swahili people, Swahili Medicine in all, and as said to speak of the Swahili and in Longetivity that is. For others, Therapy, or speak too of Counseling, and as said referring and to what does constitute for Longevity. In most of the World, speak now too and of Prayer, and in speak too of Chants or Recitals too that is. In Europe, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, they do in all again perceive Guilt that is. In the United States of America, or America too, Possession, did in all even play a role, and in speak too of Longetivity, and something not said too outlandish, and as Possession, does speak too of Religion, and as practised and by the Opus Dei too for instance. In the Middle East, speak of what they do term Political Islam, and as said in all responsible for Longetivity, and amidst talk of Unbelievers and Kaffirs too that is. In Nigeria in all, speak now too, and of the concept of Ojise, or speak too of the Messenger that is [and in speak too of Islam and Africa too that is]. In Italy, Cosmology/Cosmogony, said now and to speak and of Italy, and as said very much lasting, and from the ancient Times, and to the very Present too that is.

In speak of the Mavingu though, speak now perhaps, and of the Secret Teachings, and as referring to speak of Mystics, and of the Irreducible too that is.

Wednesday 11 March 2015



Mischief and in speak of the Al-Jinn too. 

Monday 9 March 2015

Mafia Island

Mafia Island.

Speak too of the term Uswahili, and alongside speak too of Swahili History, and as often referred to, and in speak too of the phrase 'Mambo ya Kale' that is.

Thursday 5 March 2015



If Egyptian life, is defined and by speak of Views, while that in most of the World, does speak too of Perspectives, and of Africa, Beliefs held, then in all again, is to now tell one that, speak of the Mavingu, the Al-Jinn and of the Swahili lands, now does speak truly, and of Observations (made) that is.

the Light Within

the Light Within.

The Politics of the Al-Jinn in many a way, and in comparison, and to those which do speak of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia too, and which in all even do refer, and to speak too of Desecration in itself that is. All this too, and as versus Politics, and that do talk of Libya/Africa and the rest of the World (Link), Egypt, Turkey and the Middle East (Link), or speak too of South Africa (Link), Nigeria (Link) and of Oman / Saudi Arabia (Link1, Link2) too that is.

Wednesday 4 March 2015



If life, and as said African in all, does now speak of Opening up to life (Egyptian), or of the Awakening (African), or speak too of Embracing life (those said aspiring and in Influence, and to African ways of living in all, and outside Africa too), in speak of the Swahili though, life and as said to speak of Taarab, but in speak of the Mavingu, and of the Al-Jinn, speak now and of the Sentient (Astute), or speak truly and of Godliness too that is.

Monday 2 March 2015



This very entry now, does serve and to in all, present, Mavingu, and in speak now of Aspiration that is. That in speak of Mavingu, and of the search for the Al-Jinn, and as said to speak of life and as lived out and in speak of Nostalgia, now does speak too, and of Aspiration, and in Identity, and as said Egyptian, African, Swahili and of the rest of the World too that is [and as with it all even said Socialized and Politicized too in all].

In helping one understand this, the Egyptian World in all, and as bringing to us all, the Global, the International, the Worldly, the Worldwide, the World-at-large, and if not speak of the Universal in itself that is. In speak of Africa, aspirations now, and in speak of the Continental, the Intercontinental, the Transcontinental, the Intracontinental, the Subcontinental etc. In speak of the rest of the World, and outside speak of Swahili, speak now and of the very word/term in all: Empire [and with the Business Empire, too believed said to truly speak of India that is]. In speak though and of the Mavingu, and of the Swahili lands too, Aspiration now, and in the name of Nostalgia too, said to truly refer, and to speak of Channels in themselves that is. 

Swahili Art

of Swahili Art.

This entry, now does have the intention, or in all does now propose, what does in all constitute for, and for Swahili Art, and as said to speak of the Swahili lands in themselves, or in speak too of the Mavingu, of Jinns, and not of the Swahili people truly that is. In helping one understand all this, the Swahili lands and as now said in all, unique to themselves that is, and if not truly distinct in all, and from speak of Africa in itself that is [and as including speak of Egypt truly too].

In setting out and in helping one see all this, and as it truly is, the Swahili lands and as said in all even, truly distinct perhaps, and from both Africa and Egypt too, is to now and in all even speak of Egypt in/and Africa, but speak truly too, and of Africa, and as simply defined and in speak of African, 'Black African' and Black Identity in Africa too, and as versus speak of Sub-Saharan Africa, and the rest of Africa too that is. That the latter in all, now does ascribe in all again, life in Africa, and to certain said forms of Media, and as often believed said Historical too in all [and in basic speak here and of the Missionary and of Africa too that is].

In speaking here and of, or first off too, and of Egypt and Africa, is to now speak of Africa in all, and as said truly diverse, but, speak truly now, and of what are believed to be the most harmonious in all, and of African relations/relationships that is. That hopefully this is understood, and as Africa in all, is not a place truly often associated in all, and with speak of the most harmonious of relations/relationships, and as with it all even furtherly referring, and to speak too and of African Politics, and if not speak of Marriage and Africa too that is. That in speak of African Politics and as said to speak of Egypt and Africa, speak now too, and of the Obscene (and as said too, referring to the 1001 Arabian Nights), of the name Amarna, and if not speak too of Solomons Ark of the Covenant that is. That what is been said here is that, this was the very manner in all, African relations/relationships, were to be in all designed perhaps, and in simple speak too, and of African Politics, and as defined and in speak of Taboo too that is. In speak of Africa and in Marriage, speak of it all and as said Institution too, and if not speak of Royalty, and as in perhaps attempting to now state that, Religion and in speak of Egypt and Africa, is now said too and to speak of Christianity, Animism/Theology and Consecration too that is. In having said that, and in now saying that, it does speak too of Egyptian Religion, and as seen in Egypt, Africa and India too, is to now associate the Egyptian Marriage, and with speak of a deep Mystical Union in all, that said African, and as referring and to speak, and of 'Separate but Equal' doctrines in all, and in speak of India, speak now truly, and of the Loving relationship, and if not of Krishna and Rama too that is.

In saying that, the above is simply what Egypt does mean to Africa, and in speak too of the Egyptian Memory in Africa, speak now, and of African, 'Black African' and Black Identity, and in Africa, and as often perceived and in speak of South America, North America, Europe and of the Middle East too [for the Caribbean in all, now does associate Africa, and with speak of Slavery and if not Colonialism too that is]. In speak now of South America, speak of African Identity, and as said grounded in all, and in Custom, that said 'Black African', said to speak of Tradition (Schooling), and that said Black, said to speak of Practises that is. In speak of Europe, speak now and of African Identity, and as said to speak of Vodou/IFA, 'Black African' Identity, and as said Ethnographic, and of Black Identity, and as said in all Missionary/Seminarian that is. In speak of the Middle East, speak now and of the very manner in all, most do know Africa, and as said Developing, and in speak of African Identity and as said associated with Scholarship, 'Black African' Identity, and with Leadership (Militaristic), and of Black Identity, and with Business/Home Ownership that is. In speak now though of North America, African Identity and as said to speak of Art/Poetry interestingly enough, 'Black African' and of African Music, and of that said Black, speak now and of African Dance that is.

The above in all, does speak of the Polemics of discerning Africa and in Identity today, and in saying that, it does in all even attempt to define Africa, and in speak too here and of Normalcy, and of Myth/Experience too, but that in all again, in speak now of the Swahili lands, the Mavingu, and of now said Swahili Art too, it does in all even refer, and to Egyptian Art, and as said to speak of the Disembodied, of African Art and of the Displaced, of 'Black African' Art and as said to speak of the Disinherited, of Black Art and as said to speak of the Dispossessed, and of now said here Swahili Art, Mavingu, and as said to speak of the Disengaged that is.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Francisco Javier

Francisco Javier.

Francisco Javier, and alongside speak of other Navigators and such as Marco Polo too, and in speak now of History, and in regards and to speak of the Al-Jinn too that is.