Monday 2 March 2015



This very entry now, does serve and to in all, present, Mavingu, and in speak now of Aspiration that is. That in speak of Mavingu, and of the search for the Al-Jinn, and as said to speak of life and as lived out and in speak of Nostalgia, now does speak too, and of Aspiration, and in Identity, and as said Egyptian, African, Swahili and of the rest of the World too that is [and as with it all even said Socialized and Politicized too in all].

In helping one understand this, the Egyptian World in all, and as bringing to us all, the Global, the International, the Worldly, the Worldwide, the World-at-large, and if not speak of the Universal in itself that is. In speak of Africa, aspirations now, and in speak of the Continental, the Intercontinental, the Transcontinental, the Intracontinental, the Subcontinental etc. In speak of the rest of the World, and outside speak of Swahili, speak now and of the very word/term in all: Empire [and with the Business Empire, too believed said to truly speak of India that is]. In speak though and of the Mavingu, and of the Swahili lands too, Aspiration now, and in the name of Nostalgia too, said to truly refer, and to speak of Channels in themselves that is.