Friday 13 March 2015

The Secret Teachings

The Secret Teachings,

What in all, can many today, truly in all ascribe Longetivity too? For many, it does in all even speak of the Institutional and in itself that is [and in speak too of the concept of Defence in itself too that is]. Historically though, this has not always been as such, and as many in all have, ascribed it can be said here, Longetivity, and to many another thing that is. For the Swahili people, Swahili Medicine in all, and as said to speak of the Swahili and in Longetivity that is. For others, Therapy, or speak too of Counseling, and as said referring and to what does constitute for Longevity. In most of the World, speak now too and of Prayer, and in speak too of Chants or Recitals too that is. In Europe, speak now too, and of the very manner in all, they do in all again perceive Guilt that is. In the United States of America, or America too, Possession, did in all even play a role, and in speak too of Longetivity, and something not said too outlandish, and as Possession, does speak too of Religion, and as practised and by the Opus Dei too for instance. In the Middle East, speak of what they do term Political Islam, and as said in all responsible for Longetivity, and amidst talk of Unbelievers and Kaffirs too that is. In Nigeria in all, speak now too, and of the concept of Ojise, or speak too of the Messenger that is [and in speak too of Islam and Africa too that is]. In Italy, Cosmology/Cosmogony, said now and to speak and of Italy, and as said very much lasting, and from the ancient Times, and to the very Present too that is.

In speak of the Mavingu though, speak now perhaps, and of the Secret Teachings, and as referring to speak of Mystics, and of the Irreducible too that is.